Funeral Services

Funeral Services

Every life is a story that deserves to be shared. At Pipkin Braswell Funeral Home & Cremation, a funeral can be a beautiful celebration and a time to share memories. It is a time to come together as a family and a community to comfort one another as we transition back into the normal rhythms of life. 

We are committed to providing premier funeral services that help Denver’s African American families gather, celebrate, mourn, and heal.

Traditional Funeral

Whether you choose a traditional funeral, a memorial service, or a unique customized celebration of life, we can help arrange a meaningful and dignified homegoing for your loved one. 

A traditional Pipkin Braswell funeral includes a viewing, music, remarks or reflections, a eulogy or spiritual service, procession to the cemetery, and a committal ceremony. The service can be held in our spacious chapel or in your chosen place of worship. Every aspect of the service will be customized to best honor your loved one’s personality. 


Burial provides a permanent final resting place for your loved one. A grave is a place you can return to visit as often as you wish, keeping your bond with their memory alive. But burial also provides a sense of finality and closure. We can help with arranging the burial, from working with the cemetery to helping you understand the available options for caskets and grave markers and planning the graveside service. 

Visitation and Viewing

Some families may prefer to arrange a private viewing or visitation with their loved one’s body prior to the funeral service or in lieu of a traditional funeral. This provides an opportunity for the family and members of the community to say goodbye and begin the process of healing from grief. 


The reception after a funeral, also called a repast, is a place for friends and family to reminisce and celebrate the life of the deceased. A shared meal is at the heart of many religious and cultural traditions, and funerals are no different. 

We invite you to use our on-site reception center to host a gathering after your loved one’s service. We can help with designing a menu, working with caterers, and handling all of the set-up and clean-up as well so you can focus on spending time together. 


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